
Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) est une institution de recherche parmi les plus importantes au monde. Pour relever les grands défis présents et à venir, ses scientifiques explorent le vivant, la matière, l’Univers et le fonctionnement des sociétés humaines. Internationalement reconnu pour l’excellence de ses travaux scientifiques, le CNRS est une référence aussi bien dans l’univers de la recherche et développement que pour le grand public.
Bordeaux Neurocampus Bordeaux Neurocampus
Un département de l'Université de Bordeaux, regroupant des laboratoires de recherche sur le cerveau et ses pathologies.
Its general ambition is to position our research community as a key player in the creation of new knowledge and the discovery of new treatments for neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases at the European and global level. BRAIN also participates in the development of local employment with the emergence of start-ups, and is now becoming the reference for European training in Neuroscience.
Inserm Inserm
L’Inserm est un établissement public à caractère scientifique et technologique, placé sous la double tutelle du ministère de la Santé et du ministère de la Recherche. Dédié à la recherche biologique, médicale et à la santé humaine, il se positionne sur l’ensemble du parcours allant du laboratoire de recherche au lit du patient. Sur la scène internationale, il est le partenaire des plus grandes institutions engagées dans les défis et progrès scientifiques de ces domaines.
Université de Bordeaux Université de Bordeaux
Labellisée "campus d’excellence", avec ses 52000 étudiants et ses 3000 enseignants chercheurs, l’université de Bordeaux se positionne parmi les plus grandes universités en Europe. Ses domaines scientifiques et pédagogiques : sciences et technologies, santé, sciences humaines et sociales.
bio-techne bio-techne
Bio-Techne empowers researchers in Life Sciences and Clinical Diagnostics by providing high-quality reagents, instruments, custom manufacturing, and testing services. Our family of brands creates a unique portfolio of products and services. Science is our passion; it drives us to collaborate, develop, and manufacture award-winning tools that help researchers achieve reproducible and consistent results. Whether you are at the cutting edge of academic research, translating basic discoveries to therapeutic leads, or at a facility that requires the highest level of diagnostic testing, our innovative products and services provide the solutions you need to achieve success.
Blackrock Microsystems Blackrock Microsystems
Empowering neuroscience with innovative products Discover how our latest products contribute to pushing the boundaries of neuroscience. CerePlex Mu is redefining rodent research. Our wireless headstage CerePlex W has already been part of a scientific breakthrough. Find out about all our products here.
Cambridge NeuroTech Cambridge NeuroTech
Advanced neural interfacing technology (silicon neural probes) for pre-clinical research covering neuroscience, neuroprosthetics and brain-machine interfaces.
Imetronic Imetronic
Imetronic est le partenaire idéal pour mettre au point de nouveaux systèmes automatiques d’analyse du comportement animal. Au cours de notre histoire, nous avons développé de nombreux systèmes très variés, dont certains sont maintenant considérés comme des standards dans notre catalogue.
Since 1981, ERROL studies and realizes prototypes involving laser technology and its physical properties, developing optomechanical solutions in many fields of applications such as life sciences, fluid mechanics, military , banking security...
Inscopix Inscopix
Inscopix accelerates brain science by innovating and empowering researchers with miniature microscope solutions for real-time brain mapping.
IDIL / Femtonics IDIL / Femtonics
Our mission is to support researchers so that they can become exceptional explorers, by giving them the most appropriate two-photon imaging systems. Femtonics microscopes supply the most innovative technologies while addressing researchers’ needs and a wide variety of in vivo and in vitro biological applications. As a response to evolving needs of understanding the cellular processes three-dimensionally, we have developed a novel 3D acousto-optic scanner-based two-photon microscope family which are capable of 3D imaging and astonishing scanning speed. Just take a look at how Femtonics’ technological advancements have been shaping microscopic imaging.
Neuralynx Neuralynx
Neuralynx develops intuitive, high-density, low-noise electrophysiology systems with customizable features and devices. These complete solutions are designed to meet the specific performance and data quality demands of each experiment.
Olympus Olympus
Olympus is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of professional opto-digital products for medicine, science and industry. As a result, Olympus provides a comprehensive range of solutions. From microscopes for training and routine tasks to high-end system solutions in the fields of life science, there is a system for every need.
Smart Ephys Smart Ephys
Combining the expertise and experience of four companies, we now offer complete solutions for all areas of electrophysiology under the umbrella of “Smart Ephys”.
World Precision Instruments World Precision Instruments
We are a leading laboratory product manufacturer focused on providing our customers with cutting-edge laboratory instruments at cost-effective prices. Over 50 years ago, we designed and manufactured electrophysiology equipment. Now, we are in several areas of study, the core being in tissue and cell biology, animal physiology and electrophysiology.
Scop-Pro Scop-Pro
Scop pro sells microscopes of all kinds with installation service but also support in the long term.
Ripple Neuro Ripple Neuro
Ripple creates neural interface and medical devices to advance research and improve the lives of underserved patient populations though thoughtful application of technology and design
Plexon Plexon
Plexon is a pioneer and leading innovator of custom high performance solutions for data acquisition, behavioural research and advanced analysis specifically designed for neuroscience research
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